Looking Back, Looking Ahead
For many people, including myself, the holiday season and New Years is both a time for reflection on the year past as well as...

Experience is the Best Teacher
There’s no better teacher than experience. But let’s face it, you can talk about certain work situations all you want, but there is...

Thoughts on Agile Instructional Design
I had an interesting conversation with a colleague a few weeks ago regarding how the world has changed with respect to content...

Back to Business!
Whether you have children or not, September reminds us all of ‘back -to-school’ and therefore back to business. The distraction of kids...

Talent LMS is now up and running
Today is an exciting day. As a contract training professional for two decades, I have rarely had the opportunity to have the keys to a...

Udemy Course is LIVE!! Congratulations Ally Lane!
Congratulations to Ally Lane for publishing her first Udemy Course called What's Your Story? I am so happy for her and for those of you...

Elearning May Long Weekend!
Its an Elearning kinda weekend! Instructional designer with a tyrant production manager between me and keyboard, for a valued client,...

Rock the Stage with Karen McGregor - Calgary
So excited to go and see Karen from Speaker Success Formula on Thursday night! I took her course a year and ago, and since then, a few of...

The Gathering in Banff - Marketing Conference Extraordinaire
I went to the Gathering in
Working on Database Administration Certificate at University of Calgary
Even though I have been working in the information technology field since 1998, I have primarily had roles in on the "soft side" of IT,...